When morals, values and freedoms become compromised because evil has infiltrated the world so much so that we have allowed it (evil) to change our way of thinking and reasoning, our human behavior patterns and even our national laws from right to wrong, good to bad and naturally normal (God created) to completely abnormal, then it is more than past time to stand up and fight for what is right. This means coming out of our comfort zone and expecting “somebody else” to do it, lest we might “offend” someone. And we must do it, each in our own way, whatever that may be, however great or small an act that it is.
History has always had HEROS fighting for us for one cause or another. At the very least, they have set the bar by setting an example that should give us the strength and courage to reach down inside ourselves to find our own strength and courage to stand up for what is right!
There is a time to be compassionate, kind, loving, understanding and, of course, respectful. But being any of these NEVER means compromising good for evil. It should never mean that we approve of , but only that we are compassionate towards the issue that someone or a faction of people are dealing with. It never means changing rules and laws to accommodate preposterous, incompetent or malignant behavior.
It’s time for us to step up and be the real heros of today -- we owe it to our children and to their children.