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Children were made for farms and farms were designed for children.



The experiences they get from growing up on a farm or even just visiting one are as endless as time. From watching a chicken hatch her eggs, to gathering them in a basket at the end of the day. From learning how to milk a cow or goat, to learning patience in watching a pumpkin or sunflower grow. From playing in the fields, climbing an apple tree, chasing ducks, chickens and goats, riding horses, to learning the self-disipline of shoveling manure, hauling hay or cleaning out chicken coops. Experiencing the natural cycle of life and death, the miracle of birth, the beauty of nature in gardens and woods, to learning about where real food comes from besides the grocery store. If your child hasn't done any of these things yet, find a farm and take them there. 


The serenity and peacefulness of a farm can be a nice change of pace from the fast-paced world our children are mostly exposed to and expected to thrive in.


A farm is not all glamor and glitz!


But it IS worth the experience of a visit!



Click on VIDEO below for a quick trip to our farm.

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We shape our lives not by what we carry with us…   ...but by what we leave behind.

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