Welcome to our home and farm, nestled in the foothills of the Ozark Mountains in the Arkansas River Valley. We, husband and I, carved out a little piece of homestead here on my family's original homeplace back in the 1900's - October 1986 to be exact, where we began our learning, growing and raising a family. Over the years, there has been many family and friends, an adopted child, foster children, nieces, nephews and neighborhood kids who have all graced us with their presence in our home and on our farm.
Now we've been blessed with a new generation ~ the Grandchildren ~ learning, growing, playing and feeling right at home here, whenever they come to visit. As our family continues to grow, so does our faith, our experiences good and bad, the cycle of life on a farm and our circle of friends.
The purpose of this website is to record a small part of that story, our memories and legacy in words and pictures, not only for our own purpose to remember as we grow older, but also for our children and grandchildren, and any others who want to share it with us.
So, since you've found your way here, you might as well pour yourself a cup of coffee or tea ~ stay awhile and share our story.
Besides the main pages (see top of the Page/Header) there are many years of blog posts and blog archives portraying the good, the bad, even the sad and sometimes the hilarious. Relax and enjoy!

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