GOATS! Now why would anybody want goats, you're thinking? You've come to the right place and I'd love to explain. While many people have a fondness, maybe even a passion, for pets - cats, dogs, hampsters, rabbits and the like, I fell in love many years ago with dairy goats. Back then it was a need. We needed milk for the kids, good digestable and safe-to drink milk that wasn't loaded with harmones among other things. We couldn't afford the longed-for family milk cow at the time, and they say that the poor man's cow is a goat. So we went after our first dairy goat about 20 years ago. Her name was Alexis, purchased from a local dairy farm, along with a little companion baby doe whom our daughter named Grettle. So, we finally had fresh goat milk, and then suddenly we also got "goat fever" - aka, a serious passion for goats!
Over the years, our little herd grew and grew. At some point, we were even raising and selling them in order to provide others with a means for safe milk and and/or "just for the love of goats". At the present time, we have 5 goats on the farm, Cupcake the matriarch, Blossom who will kid in February, Marty the clown, and twins Willow and Lavender.
Goats actually have a purpose besides just looking good and being sweet and fun. Besides producing milk and having babies (kids) they make lots of fertilizer for the gardens. They help clean off pastures and fence lines. One of their most important responsibilities here on our farm includes entertaining children and adults with their funny, energetic and affectionate personalities.
You can see why we get personally attached to each and every goat on our farm. Every kid is affectionately named at the time of his or her birth.
Enjoy the following pictures
of our past and present generations.
Click on picture to enlarge