Puddle Ducks
Ducks love water - from rain drops to ponds, puddles and pools!
We love our little intertaining flock of ducks
and we call them our "puddle ducks".
Unlike Diving Ducks who dive for their food,
most domestic farm ducks are considered Puddle Ducks
because they feed on the surface of water or very shallow water.
The Appleyard duck is the breed we are now raising.
Image courtesy of Google.com
The Silver Appleyard is a sweet, calm, enchanting and a bit shy species of domestic duck.
We were attracted to this breed because of their natural beauty, their ability
to lay a large amount of eggs per year (220-260)
and the fact that they are good foragers.
They are a dual-purpose (meat and eggs) breed. Not that we intend to eat them.
But they were bred for both purposes and originated in England in the 1950's
by Reginald APPLEYARD, thus their name.
The hens are easy brooders and good mothers.
Both the drakes and the hens have a peaceful temperment.
We started with six little 10-day old ducklings June 2, 2021
that we purchased from a farm in Missouri.
And now they have grown so much.
It's not clear yet how many males and females we have,
but judging from their voices, maybe 3 of each.
We are thoroughly enjoying watching them grow
and bonding with them every day!