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It’s 3am and I’ve been up and down, awake and asleep half a dozen times already. Half the time in deep thought for no apparent reason. Until I realized that it’s the night of the full moon – again. I never sleep through those.

For some reason, politics has been on my brain more than I’d like it to be tonight. I hate discussing politics, even thinking about it, about as much as I hate talking about sports, or more accurately, the politics of sports. If I have to discuss anything, I’d much rather discuss happy things like children, national parks or chocolate.

Few people like you to bring God into politics, even if they think they’re taking a stand for justice (or their form of justice) basically “my way or the highway” thing. In our country, it’s always got to be the Republication thing verses the Democratic thing, or vise versa. But for me, it’s pretty cut and dried. I base my decisions, opinions or choices on the following:

A) God TRUMPS politics. He always will, even when He seems to be left out of most equations of it.

B) Right always has to come before wrong and good before evil. “This is the way it’s always been” is not a decree for keeping it that way. In my opinion, neither political party is always right or always wrong. But, they will point fingers, slander each other's name and even fight to the death when they think they’re right.

C) History has been wrong way more often than it has been right. Read the books. For starters, you can ask any full-blooded Native American Indian alive today about that one - while we're still comfortably squatting on his/their land.

I'm reminded of a cartoon image I saw once somewhere. I don't remember the exact words but the gist of it was about having so many, many laws. Have you ever thought about why there are a million zillion laws all around the globe and more being enforced every day? No wonder we have so much to argue about. As human beings, I think it stems from the fact that we have since forgotten, or at the least, are doing our best to banish the first 10 rules that were written on a rock. We are a people who just love to re-write or even ignore rules, especially when they don’t suit us.

To sum it up, God should be in politics and in every discussion of it. It should be simple and friendly, you know, like “work it out before dinner” as our parents used to say, and “don’t bring it to the table”. And really, the truth is never long. It’s short, simple and written on a rock.


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