Who or what is forming our moral conscience
as an individual and as a society?
An old country song comes to mind that says “You’ve got to stand for something or you’ll fall for anything”. (Aaron Tippin) I have a strong feeling that a lot of what is happening in our country today and around the world is due to a lack of solid groundwork and strong foundation, the kind that this country was built on and the reason we came to the new country to begin with – to set a new presidence with the freedom to live Godly lives. At least that was the plan.
And now we see chaos, pandemics and rioting all around us and wonder why? It’s called consequences of sin. Our own sin. Societies sins. Is God angry? I don’t know. He certainly could be if He wanted to be, but God never changes. He is LOVE. He doesn’t have to get angry. He just allowes things to happen because we have allowed ourselves to fall into serious patterns of sin. Maybe He’s trying desperately to get our attention.
We’ve all but kicked God out of our schools, sports and other activities, we use Sundays for another workday or for our own personal persuits, and we’ve allowed New Age philosophies, agnosticism and atheism to dominate our media and even our own mentalities and those of our innocent children. We have repeated what was done in the Old Testiment and many times since by “abandoning our first Love” the God who created us.
We the people have become obsorbed with “self”. On the whole, we have become a society motivated by the concept that we are the center of our own world, the first priority of our own life. We are taught, yes, even in our own Christian churches the “prosperity gospel” and the “gospel of entitlement”. And then there’s the never ending parade of “new age superstars” who write books, preach from the pulpits and advertise their philosophies from television “talk show” platforms. They have all the answers! Most of the time, it does not include the Christ! As in E. Tolle’s The Power of Now or the 2006 best seller The Secret. And finally, now there is the "manifestation” ideology (spiritual or otherwise) that is going around serving “self” by achieving ones own desires and dreams with the practice of positive thinking and willpower. A false god? I would consider it one to be wrestled with.
Christians today in many cases are taught to take Christ down off the crucifix. They can relate more easily to a warm fuzzy friend who can be their savior, their miracle worker, healer, and a quick answer to a wish list of prayers. And why the pouting or the depression this can lead to if they don’t get their way? Because this is not a foundational teaching.
No doubt Christ can and will do whatever he pleases with us and for us and He is all these things and more. But the perfect prayer and the cornerstone of spiritual wisdom as He himself taught us, is “not my will, but thine be done”. He taught us to take up our own cross daily and follow Him. "I am the way, the TRUTH and the light," He said over and over. This "cross" is the cross of humility, self-sacrifice and service. Nasty words in today’s society, no doubt, but He taught us this Himself, in the greatest of details and example. St. Paul reminds the Philippeans - and us, to “do nothing out of selfishness or vainglory, rather, humbly regard others as more important than yourselves”.
~ Sigh ~
If.only.we.could. What a peaceful place this world would be.
This is our groundwork, our strong foundation, our moral conscience.
Be vigilant and alert. Stay grounded. Stay strong.