Never judge yourself, only the situation. Never feel guilty. Guilt is from the devil. It’s easier not to judge others if you are not always condemning yourself. So, relax and smile.
The other mom’s are not perfect even if they look, act and smell perfect. Stop comparing yourself to them. To others, you have also looked, acted and smelled heavenly, at one time or another. So, relax and smile!
Don't forsake the care of your own first to rush to the aid of others, or to be a saint in another part of town or the world. We’ve all heard that every need is not a call. Sooner or later, you will learn that every call is not necessarily a need. Pray for discernment so that you can know which it is. If it is your call, you will find peace in your heart to act on it. Then lend a helping hand, a gentle smile or words of comfort and compassion. If it’s not your call to do more (but someone else's call) then a prayer for help for that person(s) and stepping out of the way should do it. IF it’s a call (a cry for help) that is not really a need, make sure you step back and don’t become an enabler. And then relax, smile and carry on.
When you need help for any reason, do as the old Gospel song says and “take it to the Lord in prayer”. This is unquestionably the first place to go anyway. And then, leave it with Him until He tells you what to do with it. Don’t try and take it back to worry and fret over until He gives you peace about the solution. This takes patience. Pray for it. And then, relax and smile, believing and thanking God for an answer.
You are never alone. Jesus is your pilot. You are the co-pilot. When you cannot fly – let Jesus have the controls and relax and smile. You are in good hands.
God asks you to be faithful. He doesn’t expect you to be perfect, because you’re not going to be. So don’t expect it of others. Loose the “impossible standards” you set for yourself and others. God will accomplish in you (and them) what He started in you, if you remain faithful. Relax and Smile.
In the end, praise and gratitude are the ultimate gifts of love that we can give Him
because He can and will take care of the rest.
So, relax and smile!
God delights in and celebrates a heart at peace.