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New Seasons

As the seasons pass more quickly than in the days of our youth, we cling to the old things, the memories, the people and the places. But, we also learn to embrace the new; the here and now. We hope we've learned more patience living "in the moment" and taking in all that it has to offer, the good and the not so good. Because, we know there is a blessing in whatever the moment has to offer.

Nature purifies the moments not so easily digestible. Isn't that one of the reasons why God, in His wisdom, created so much of it for we human mortals? I think He knew how much we would need so much of nature! I think He also knew how much we would enjoy His handiwork, His massive amounts of earthly beauty, universal mysteries like Solar Eclipses, deep oceans and faraway stars and planets. And the healing power and sheer joy of a single blooming flower.

We have both (the Husband and I) entered the season of "later in life" whether we're ready

to be here or not. Chuckle!

The seasons that have passed us, the people that were so much a vibrant part of our lives who have gone on now, and the physical activities that were so easy to do without even thinking much of it, are still a big part of our lives. Just in a different way. These seasons of life, the people who have touched us and the things we still do more slowly than before, surround us and remind us to keep on "keeping on". And that is to enjoy the moments, not just the seasons. Because, we believe in what is to come. We believe and we will always keep the Faith and we will finish Strong!

We believe, because of those around us and those who have gone before us, in their Season!

To Think Beside Still Waters

To think that I shall move in company,

With stars and wind and cloud,

The hills that clap their hands in joy,

The brooks that sing aloud.

To think that I may know the earth,

Where pale white lilies blow,

Blue shadowed hills where tiny tacks

Are printed in the snow.

And here beside me walking now

Are hosts unseen I swear,

I feel their presence like a cloud

About me everywhere.

Oh world untouched by mortal hands

Bender closer still that I

May hear the rustle of the wings,

Sweeping across the sky.

~ Edna Jaques





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