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Updated: Sep 18, 2021

It's been time to downsize and simplify for a long time now.

We have been doing just that, a little at a time. First the farm animals, then decluttering the home, and at the same time, our lives of busy schedules, gadgets and technology we really don't need, and time-consuming habits of needless entertainment and "busyness". Recently, after a couple of years of struggling with the back and forth idea of letting go of some of the farm property, we have come to peace about letting about half of it go. It's time to move on to new adventures and even to embrace new neighbors closer than we ever really wanted. But better than moving and settling into a new neighborhood or area where we would have to start over, and maybe with neighbors too close for comfort.

Sweet and gentle LauraRose, our retired old milk cow, will have a smaller pasture soon. But she certainly was worth her weight in gold this past week when, without a word (or a moo) she was a big instrument in the sale of the property. One of the photos we marketed our property with was her standing in the middle of the pasture in all her glory just looking like the Pasture Queen she is.

She captivated the recent buyers when they met her in person, coming up to the fence to greet them! She is our new Agent of the Year, selling with no words necessary!

It's hard to let go of the farm we had, but off we go to new adventures

and to see where that takes us.

As Dr. Seuss once said, "Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened."

I'm grateful it did!

~ Gwen of Irish Acres

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