It's a new world out there. At least for now. We see and hear of people sruggling
with trying to stay safe, stay sane, stay positive, stay busy and stay normal.
Many are asking if this is the new normal. I guess for now, it is.
There are so many positive things though, that we see coming out of this new normal - people caring and sharing, personal sacrifices being made, families connecting in new and inventive ways, and the vast majority who choose to follow new rules and keep themselves, their families and others as safe as possible.
We can only hope that all this kindness and love will continue
long after most people have forgotten why.
While we're in the middle of this "new norm" it's probably important as well as refreshing to cheer ourselves up with sweet little things throughout the day that make us pause and smile for a minute or two. This IS important - as important as eating healthy food or getting a good night's rest. Because "this too shall pass" and when it does, we will need to be ready to get back to the old or new normal and the challanges that might surround us, by keeping our wits about us.
So, we we take a minute or two to smile:
At a simple gentle lamb
Something white and fresh and clean
Forever having a totally new appreciation and respect for toilet paper!
The promise of flowers and gardens yet to come!
Who can resist something blue AND white?
Or Signs of Spring
Or Small and White.
Clean and Bright.
You look happy to see me!
"And all will be well, and all is well!" ~ Julian of Norwich