It's terribly hazy, hot and humid this July afternoon.
I took one of my many daily leisurely strolls through the gardens
and to check on the farm animals.
I don't know why I took my camera because it's so sunny and hot.
I didn't expect to stay out long, and it's not the best time for pictures.
But I found some KODAK moments while visiting everyone, so I'm glad I did!
The 6 week old Silver Appleyard ducks love their new pond!
See? Told ya!
Finally the first tiny zinnia bloomed this morning. Many more are about to.
Blueberries and blackberries are delicious. The birds left a few for us!
All's well in the gardens.
I'm grateful for all the hard work earlier to avoid the worst of the heat.
IF I were a bird I wouldn't be using a birdbath at this time of the day either!
Close to boiling...
The garlic is ready!
I love yellow in a garden!
They look happy even in the heat!
Salvia on steroids - or something. Might be the fish emulsion...
It's good to count our blessings, especially on a hot and humid day,
and know that nature survives even if we ourselves need the a/c to do so!
I remember the days when we didn't have it, only I was a lot younger then and didn't seem to notice.
And I'm grateful for KODAK moments!