So many things describe this time of year: winter, snowflakes, firesides, Christmas trees, shopping lists, Advent wreaths, stress, hot cocoa, candles, holiday menus.
It's hard not to get caught up in the stress of it all as we try to get everything accomplished, and at the same time, overwhelmed that we might not be able to enjoy it like we want to, should do, need to. So much to remember, so much to do.
But, wait! What are we saying? Wait! We must wait.
Come wait with me.
Winter is a time of WAITING.
Advent is the time of preparing and waiting.
December is a time of waiting for the winter solstice -
when the days begin to get longer and we know that spring will come.
We wait for Christmas so that we can celebrate - well, so many things!
THIS is the season, the time of waiting, and waiting is a journey.
The Journey is a Pilgrimage. We are on a spiritual journey.
Catherine de Hueck Doherty (1896-1985)
in her book "Grace in Every Season" said it very candidly:
"Let us enter into the pilgrimage that doesn't take us from home.
Ours is a journey of the spirit,
which is a thousand times harder than a journey of the feet."
So, let us wait patiently as we let the Lord prepare us for all the things coming.
Let us stop and breath, pause and reflect, relax and enjoy the waiting.
Christmas is going to come and go, whether we are ready for it or not.
The winter solstice will happen (on December 22nd) whether we notice it or not.
The season of Advent is here for deeper reflection and spiritual renewal
whether we choose to or not.
And the Season of waiting is here and going to be gone,
whether we gently and peacefully get through our daily tasks and preparations
or whether we spend it in a mad fit trying to accomplish the unnecessary.
So, come wait with me. The best is yet to be!