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Updated: Jun 12, 2021

It’s mind-boggling how fast time flies from winter cold to surprising spring, our season of monsoons, and then suddenly summer and 90 degrees. I’m reminded of cartoons when I was young and some of the characters with the unique ability of having their heads spin completely around (and survive!). I’m there now. Time flies and heads spin from the changes, constant changes of life, nature, situations and normal daily drama. We can’t stop the rapidness of life around us, but we do stop and smell the roses along the way. We’ve decided it’s the only way to survive, and it’s been many years in the learning and practicing of a quieter, gentler way. Or at least having gratitude for all that is good, which is the same thing as stopping to appreciate the roses (gifts) along the way! Here are a few of ours so that you can enjoy them, too.

This is the perennial Cottage "tea" Garden.

I've spent the last 2 years giving it a makeover. It's finally finished - for now.

These pictures were taken about a month ago - in May.


Removing another snake from the hen house! Grandkids are used to this by now!

A free protein packed farm fresh egg for this one!

Off he goes to some other far away location!

Bringing home half a dozen baby ducks! (Silver Appleyard variety)

Our Duck Whisperer

Biscuit, our guardian dog, with her new un-professional hair cut!

She feels so much better, cooler and is actually white again (not a muddy mess) !

More garden pictures - I'm sorry, it just can't be helped!

This is our grandgirls little fairy garden - they helped decorate this year.

A variety of Queen Ann's Lace coming into bloom.

So delicate and beautiful!

An old redbud tree in the Woodland Garden had to be taken down because of disease.

When life hands you lemons, make lemonade, right?

It's been a fast and eventful spring as usual. Some good things some difficult times, but all taken in stride and made bareable when we remember to stop and smell the roses

by enjoying family, farm, friends and nature!

God Bless!


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