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Updated: Mar 2, 2021

Seek to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business, and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you, so that you may walk properly in the presence of outsiders and not be dependent on anyone." - 1 Thessalonians 4:11-12

When we read this in Thessalonians it seems simple enough. The kind of life we all want to lead if we have trained ourselves towards being independent (workers) and self-controlled in our ambitions and purpose in life. In other words, when we know our purpose (vocation) in life, it is our ambition to focus on this and not become easily distracted by worldly cares and the ambitions of others, or their ambitious and worldly plans for us.

Our work and purpose in life becomes enough. We know that if we do all things for God, the very will of God becomes our focus in all things that we do. A mindset that takes over our thinking and the work of our hands so that it becomes second nature, leaving us to focus on the four of the most fruitful words in the bible "in everything give thanks" 1 Thessalonians 2:16. The quiet life then becomes fruitful while doing the will of God and thanking Him for all that is, in the good and the bad times, the hard and the easy, because all things are for God and the purpose that He has in mind.

These are challenging words in todays world. Maybe they always were, but "worldly" has taken on a whole new meaning in this day and age, with constant advertisments, promotions, media, instant technology and communication to name a few. Distractions abound. It's up to us to keep them at bay and focus on the quiet and simple life. It CAN be done no matter what our purpose in life is, because

we have help. Prayer is instant communication with God. He is closer than a cell phone call away.


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