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Updated: Jul 30, 2020

There are, on any given day, a million little things going on:

to think, to do, to say, to see, to taste, to share, to read, to pray.

We should remember then, that we are on a journey,

and we must enjoy this journey, despite ourselves.

We should appreciate and enjoy this work of our hands,

this joy of surrender (to the best that we can surrender)

so that our Lord can take great delight in JOURNEYING with us!

We must find God in every slow-cooked carrot we prepare

every floor that we sweep, every package we deliver,

every customer or stranger we meet, every child we hold,

no matter how tired and old we feel or how cold or hungry we are.

(My Mother (94) with her great-granddaughter.)

When we fail at this on any given day (and we will)

how disappointing for us,

but more importantly, how disappointing for Him

when we have let down our dearest Companion and Friend.

Mother Theresa said, “God does not require that we be successful,

only that we be faithful.”

We might as well learn how to truly enjoy the journey

of a million little things.


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