After a week of on and off much needed rain, we woke up this morning to drier, cooler air. It was that hint of fall that gave me a burst of energy to get out in the the gardens for trimming and weeding that was well overdue. For weeks now, it has been a typical Arkansas summer, hot, humid and July dry. The temperatures averaged in the 90's and close to 100, but we had many days with the heat index well over 100, even as high as 115. So, not so pleasant for someone who doesn't enjoy the heat. I'll take that fresh fall air any day!
Even in the heat of the summer, the herbs and flowers have done well.
Watermellons, which we don't typically grow anymore, did well. The Husband really loves them, so he tried his hand at it again after many years. I think he might have a half dozen that look good out of about one dozen. The first one was not good, the second was delicious!
Even with the gardens still producing, the summer flowers still in bloom, and the baby goats thriving, we can see and feel the season slowing down and the days a bit shorter.
I appreciate that at our age and I look forward to cooler weather.
It means there will be a bit of a break from mowing, trimming and mowing, weeding gardens and aching bones. Even in the heat and drougth of an Arkansas summer, the green growth is endless and we can easily get burried in the work of it all.
I do love the green and it really does remind me of our ancestor's dear ole Ireland (thus Irish Acres), but really? Sometimes I think we're getting too old for some of this work. Where are those little leprechaun when you need help? And how soon is fall really going to come?!