The summer gardens are doing well this year because of all the rain.
The work and the weeding seem endless, but the results are breathtaking.
I can never get enough momentary views of them while I'm working outside, nor when I'm inside looking out a window. They cheer me along on my busy days. When I take the time to stop and sit in the garden, I am grateful that God gives us such beauty where we can find peace and tranquility in our busy lives and a shelter away from a sometimes harsh and bitter world which we live in. The gardens are a reminder of His beautiful and tranquil presence
always in our hearts.
The Tea Garden
Pink Hibiscus
Red Hibiscus
Pink Hibiscus
I am grateful for all our summer gardens, but I am
especially grateful for how this one is doing this year.
Sunrise in the Tea Garden
And I am ready for more Tea Parties !