"For lo, I am about to create" says the Lord. Isaiah 65:17
He never ceases to create.
But why all this creating and making new things,
new plants, new animals, people, nature?
Why not just be done with it,
especially with the state that the world is in at the present?
Because LOVE never ends and God is love.
He can't stop creating or then Love would end.
Love brings forth Life and life brings Hope.
So, creation is the gift of Love, the gift of Life and the gift of Hope.
Springtime is one of those seasons we see His created handiwork everywhere around us, if we stop long enough to notice. It energizes us and brings us
back to life after a long, dreary and sometimes slumbersome winter.
It brings us hope for the future, hope for mankind.
We need to see this creation, not just notice it.
We should relax in it, enjoy it, embrace it and be grateful for it.
New pastures, meadows and wild flowers sprouting up everywhere.
Very pregnant mama goats taking advantage of the greens!
Redbud and Crabapple blossoms brilliant against the sky!
Peony bushes barely out of the ground a few days ago, now a foot tall.
Pansies planted last fall are coming back to life!
Buzzing bees (that you can't see) and butterflies cover the new leaves
of our Sugar Maple tree.
A camellia bush out-doing itself in blooms this spring season!
Happy hens enjoying greens and a new crop of bugs in the warm weather.
God is good and His love abounds in His creations
that bring us hope and cause for joy!