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He’s a quarter kind of guy, this little Grandson of ours. He always has been. He doesn’t mind begging for them or working for them, and nickels and dimes just won’t do. Quarters are used to put in the church collection basket on Sundays, purchase important things like gummy worms and ice cream, playing arcade games at some local restaurant or grocery store, or lighting a candle in the chapel with MomMom.

It’s fun to watch them grow and change, but the other day was one of those unforgettable moments that will be forever etched in the memory.

This same little Grandson now seven years old, has become increasingly worried about the looks of the outside of our home. He thinks we need to move or build a new house or at the least, fix up this one. I agree that it could use a coat of paint, if not even some brick and siding after 30 something years. But when I tried to explain that MomMom and PaPa just weren’t interested in moving and leaving our beloved home, I mentioned that paint isn’t cheap either and that it would take many gallons of paint to cover the whole house. Before I could go any further into detail, he enthusiastically bursts out, “I can help, MomMom.” And he digs his little fist into his pocket and pulls out all his four shinny quarters. As he slaps them on the kitchen table with a look of total happy and helpful on his face, he says, “This will buy a LOT of paint!”

Bless his little heart for believing it, because for a moment in time,

I believed it, too!


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