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I’m reminded of Glen Campbell’s old country song that goes on to say...”who gave up the good life”, and I laugh every time I hear that tune in my head. I’m actually one of those few who believe THIS IS the good life! But then...who am I to spoil a good song if so many want to believe it - wink.

And yet, here it is the 5th of January and I just finished taking down and putting away Christmas. If you must know, there is a rotting pumpkin still out in the flower garden from fall decorations (too big for me to carry over to the goats, but yes, that must be done so they can eat the seeds and the chickens can clean up what is left). I just washed and put away a hummingbird feeder I found hiding in the back flower garden and just last week I finally put out suet cakes for the birds and filled some winter bird feeders. No worries around here though, the birds know right where the chickens leave extra sunflower seeds and corn, and they promptly clean it up. I usually throw out extra for them anyway.

I’m ready for spring and it’s still many weeks away. I pour through seed catalogs which is the custom for most gardeners and country folks this month of the new year, if only to keep up our spirits and look forward to playing in the dirt again. As John Denver’s country tune goes, “sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy” and so I look forward to that also, like so many others.

I putter around the house finding pictures and knick knacks to change around and cheer up the house until spring. Setting out different table linens, old books and magazines, lighting candles and changing wall decor will set a new tone for the winter season, bringing in some warmth and coziness for the short and sometimes weary days ahead. It’s normally a quieter time of year and much needed rest from physical work on a farm, and I do enjoy winter, reading and slowing down a bit. It’s a time to clean out cluttered closets, empty shelves, cabinets and drawers of un-necessary items we collect and don’t use.

In the meantime, I do look forward to spring, farm babies and planting seeds, rose bushes and maybe an apple tree. I look forward to grandchildren playing on the farm, green pastures and milking the dairy goats again.

I do enjoy the chores of the everyday housewife who gave up the good life – for this!


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