One can never have too many cows on the farm, can they?
Just ask Laura, our lonely little dairy cow who lost her last two calves and has nobody to roam the pastures with anymore. It's been a long time since her two cow friends left our farm and went back to their own farm (they spent last winter here). So, for the past six months we have tried to borrow or purchase another heifer or cow simply because we have the pasture and the willingness to care for another animal, which would also be a companion cow for Laura. Finally last week our prayers were answered when we found and purchased just the right little heifer - and she's here to stay. Meet Dori.
Dori (German for "gift from God") is an 8 month old heifer from a brindled Jersey mother and a Fleckvieh/Beef Master sire. While she has not been around much human contact (yet) she is calm and not the least bit intimidated by human or animal, including our livestock guardian dog, Biscuit.
She immediately bonded with her new "mom" and they became best buddies. She follows Laura around and hasn't seemed the least bit stressed by moving to a new farm. I see them carressing each other often, and I assume this is cow bonding.
We're so proud to have her.
I hope she's just as happy to be a part of our farm family!