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Some weekends just seem to fly by because we’re so busy. Some are quite relaxing and we can enjoy “the work of our hands” whether it be in the yard, the gardens, or puttering around the house or the farm. Other weekends, like this weekend, are a little more intense. There’s more noise, clutter, spilled food, dirty laundry, meals to prepare and squeals of happy and delight coming from the little people. Some weekends are just simply a FULL HOUSE.

Our home never seems lonely, even when it’s just the two of us here. It must be from all the memories, the love, and all the people coming and going when we USED to have a full house. So, to have a full house now several times a month with the visiting children and grandkids, it just seems normal; it feels right. Exhausting at times for all the adults, but that’s normal, right?

It's times like this that I feel grateful and exhausted, needed and loved.

Even though it's definately not a full time responsibility anymore, it reminded me of something I found on the internet, and I thought of those Moms who ARE full-time and exhausted, overworked and underpaid (in cash, that is) but whose life revolves around the service of others:

In my case (the Grandmother generation) once you become a keeper of the home, you are always a keeper of the home, because home is where everyone comes back to, no matter how long it takes, no matter the age, the distance, the relationship. Keeping the home, in the long and short of it, is mostly about preserving FAMILY.

So, it's always best to have a FULL HOUSE, no matter the personal cost!


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