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We can get caught up in our own iniquities, our sorrows, our failures, our aches and pains and we wonder what good we are; what good we do. We can be prone to wonder if the only way we have ever touched anyone else’s life was in a “not so good way”. Doubts and fears can enter in so easily. I know, I know, I am always harping on not letting that happen, but sometimes it can.

Still, we must guard against it.

So, today is our 42nd Anniversary and the Husband and I spent the morning together quietly, reflectivly and enjoying each other’s company. We had a nice slow morning with coffee and breakfast, making plans for the day together and without rushing off, each to our own field of labor.

Eventually I checked my email, and to my wonder and surprise that anyone rememebered our special day (that was so long ago!) there was a most beautiful and unexpected email from one of my six brothers. It was addressed to the both of us. I cried. The Husband chuckled and muttered something about “got them fooled for sure”. Here it is:


You both have basked in the sun and weathered the most furious of storms. You have been tried and honed and you have met the mark. You have focused on God and family and we have all benefited. You have not only been a fine example of how a married couple should exist but set the bar that we all can strive for. "True Unity" you have accomplished.

I pray that you both have a most wonderful anniversary celebration day today.


PS I remember the beginning of this relationship, it consisted of: "I want to hold you in my dreams tonight. When I'm holding you everything is so right. Even when I'm sleeping, your still on my mind. I want to hold you....." 

Note: The PS is an old song from the 1970's that meant alot

to us at the time.

Sometimes we can all forget to remember that others are watching us. Especially the younger ones who come after us and are looking up to us for courage, hope, encouragement in their own trials, and yes, those survival stories.

I guess we do have a few stories, along with our unfailing love for each other. But mostly we have patient endurance, or at least endurance, because that’s what it takes in the long haul. And then there’s God. Where would we be without Him, because nothing is impossible with God.

Life is good.


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