The good Lord certainly has a sense of humor and I like that. On most days. As the Husband and I get older and our bodies sometime slow down to a crawl, and our want to’s can’t keep up with our need to’s, He sends us that extra little kick in the pants we call Grand-children!
There’s no denying that making memories with our grandkids is a priority in our life, and whether we’re not feeling well, have too much to do or a million other excuses, when it comes down to it, we can and we will make time for our kids and grandkids every chance we can or especially when they need us.
Last week and weekend was one of those special times, and we made many memories with them all and survived to tell about it. One of the highlights of the weekend was a trip to the local pumpkin farm. Pumpkins, playgrounds and children go together like milk and cookies - even for the grownup kids!
The other highlight is always, of course, when we can attend church together at the same time and same place. Two parents were missing this weekend while on a short trip away, but the children were all together and that made for a picture event with their great-aunt’s camera and sharing. She took many pictures of them as we were trying to “get them in place” for a pose. She was so right when she said the candid pictures were the best – showing their little personalities. One grand-girl refused to stand still because she was too busy twirling. The older of the little boys didn’t feel the need to pose; he was too busy watching the little kids. The youngest boy was directing and the smallest child was just watching and wondering what all the fuss was about.
Our little Blessings are growing up way too fast, but we're trying to enjoy every moment that we can, for as long as we can keep up!