Recently I attendd a local Dairy Cattle Show and Sale. While I was there, I met a very nice couple about my age – you know, upper middle age. They were very friendly and I found that we had a lot in common. They were very accommodating with all their informative ideas on dairy cattle, small farms, gardening and such. I was surprised to find that they had traveled all the way from Oregon and when I inquired why such a long trip with just three animals, they said they really liked traveling, attending shows and meeting people. I was impressed I guess, still scratching my head at who can do this sort of thing? That’s a long way to haul animals. Poor cows!
Suddenly the show was over and this nice couple was left with one little heifer calf about weaning age. They asked me if I wanted her for $200. Again I was completely perplexed because no one, and I mean NO ONE sells dairy cattle that cheap, not even a calf. But they informed me that they wanted to haul home an empty trailer and not have to worry about her. I took a look at her and was immediately smitten with her big brown eyes. I knew she wasn’t a Guernsey like we have, but she was a little cutie and looked very healthy. I asked what breed she was and when the Mr. said “Brown.... before he finished I was thinking how nice it would be to finally have a little Brown Swiss. I always wanted one since we had some on the farm when I was growing up.
Suddenly I heard him say, “Oompa-Loompa”. Wait? What???
I thought I misheard and he repeated it again, a Brown Oompa-Loompa. For the third time I was scratching my head at these people and wondering how in all these years I had never heard of that particular breed of cattle and where could they have found them. I was sure it couldn’t be a dairy breed. I prided myself on knowing all about diary cows – or so I thought, at least up until now.
Then suddenly I woke up.
All day long, when I remembered the silly details of this dream, it brought a smile to my face and made me wish all my dreams could be so light-hearted, vivid and entertaining.
Daughter #1 thought it was cute enough to Blog about. I’m still chuckling as I type this.
I really do want a Brown Oompa-Loompa cow now.
I need to do some research on that.