The 5 o’clock news reveals several more school shootings as if the perpetrators just had to get this done before the schools closed for summer vacation. The news reporters, witnesses and internet all suggest that we should pray for the victims, their families, and the country as a whole. Well, of course we will. Those who pray never stop; never run out of petitions or people to pray for.
Some people question why God doesn’t care. Where is He and how could He allow this to happen, again? And of course, others have a quick answer for that, with “Why did we take God out of our schools in the first place?" Was it because someone might be offended?
Newspapers, magazines, the 5 o’clock news and the internet all make haste to proclaim these disasters and so many others, so that we might never forget the state of our wounded world. Sensationalism draws crowds indeed.
What if, instead, we heard that there was no bad news to report today, and that there was peace on earth, and what if we heard how God, yes GOD, is working in the lives and in the hearts of the faithful, bringing about awesome and wonderful deeds? How many people would turn off the news then?
One thing we know without a doubt, is that there will be no 5 o’clock news when we get to heaven. There will be no wounded world, no murders to report, no sexual harassments, no wars going on and no homeless, starving faces of children to see. Our wounded world will not last forever, but our heaven will!
God’s got our back - for those who believe in Him and aren’t afraid to announce it!