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Joy can spring up from the heart so much easier when we are grateful for the daily simplicities in our lives. It is easier to turn a circumstance, an object, dealing with a person or an event in our every day journey into something to be “happy” about or something to at least appreciate, when we have mastered the art of being grateful.

Before I go any further, let me stress the words “have mastered” because this in itself is no easy feat and requires a lot of self-discipline and focus, and in most cases, quite a long time to accomplish. However, the journey itself - practicing being grateful - begins with a seed, which is the desire to be grateful. This eventually, with daily practice, will develope into a full-fledged blooming flower. In other words, a beautiful part of our life!

As I go about my day doing whatever is the purpose of that particular day, whether it be laundry/housecleaning day, farm day, grocery/errands day, caregiving day, etc., I find it much easier to be happy and joyful when I am sending up little thank-yous all day long to the One who sent me everything to be grateful for. Even things I don’t like can be turned into grateful joy – like weeding the garden - which I do not like to do. The garden looks much better afterwards so I feel better mentally. I also feel better physically after a good work-out in my own “gym”. So, I remember to be grateful for the gift of the garden itself, the purgatory of weeds, the physical exercise and the beautiful view when I’m finished. Grateful joy brings “happy”.

This is just one example of grateful joy that can show in our face and reach out to bless someone else that we meet along the way, each day of our lives. What are you grateful for?

Try to count the ways each day that you can be grateful, thus bringing joy to yourself and to others! And then watch the “happy” appear!


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