This is holy week, the powerful, eventful week that precedes the Easter services and marks the culmination of the 40 days of Lent - a time of spiritual preperation. So what do we do during holy week and why is it so important to us? Why can’t we just go right on in to Easter, the egg hunts, dressing up, and of course chocolate bunnies. Isn’t that what Easter is all about? Chocolate being the ultimate and what more money is spent on during this season than just about anything else.
For many people, that is important. There’s obviously nothing wrong with stocking up on a little chocolate, making preperations for Easter baskets and egg hunts and family meals. But when that becomes the norm and consumes most of our time, when that is where our heart and our mind is, and all our busyness is, maybe we better re-check our priorities. It is so easy to get sucked into worldly cares and temptations because they are absolutely all around us constantly.
Back to holy week. Thursday, which we call Holy Thursday, began with the feast of Passover, shared by our Lord with his Apostles. He washed their feet to remind them to go and do likewise (become servents of the people). He broke bread with them and shared a meal. He blessed the bread and the wine and said to take it and eat it and they would be receiving him which, would become food for their souls. During this meal he said to always do this in rememberance of him. Which we do, each time we attend Mass.
Holy Thursday was the day our Lord suffered so intensely in the Garden of Gethsemane on the Mount of Olives, after he shared the meal with his friends. He suffered so much that he even sweated blood. When he asked his friends (a few of the apostles) to stay with him for just a little while so he wouldn’t be alone, they fell asleep. When he asked the Father for this cup of suffering to be removed from him, it was not to be. And then, late in the evening, he was betrayed by one of his friends (Judas) and sold for 30 coins. Then he was handed over to be judged, scourged, crowned with thornes, jeered at and spit on.
Hours later on Friday morning when his body had lost so much blood and hydration, he was expected to carry his own cross to the place of crucifixion. This day is called Good Friday for some reason. Do you suppose it was black Friday for Jesus and good for us because he volunteered to take our place?
People ask every day why good people have to suffer.
Something I read recently made the point that there really has been only ONE good and perfect person who suffered due to no sin of his own.
And HE volunteered!
And there he hung, for 3 hours on the cross in the most excruciating torment, without water, without ibuprofen, without a shot of whiskey to dull the pain. Nothing. Just pure, raw agony until the end. and through no fault of his own. He felt like his own Father had abandoned him - he didn’t of course - and yet he still surrendered his all and committed his spirit into his Father's hands. All for us. For love of us.
And that is Holy Week.
The most important week of the Christian year to be followed by
the most important Holy Day in the Christian year - EASTER - The Resurrection.
Because, that’s what it’s all about. L O V E - not chocolate.