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Sunday! The Lord’s day, family day, quiet time, nap day. I love Sundays!

That special day of the week when we can chill!

Even in my youth, my noisy big family loud, always busy childhood, I remember loving Sundays. Everything and everyone slowed down to a more normal pace. Family and the general public seemed happier on Sunday because there wasn’t work, school, slaving over weekday chores and other such nonsense (in a child's mind). Even though it seemed our parents were busy (because raising, feeding and taking care of a family does not stop on Sundays) they were usually in a more happy and relaxed state of being.

I recall Sundays as having time to visit our next-door neighbors, an older couple we considered our “other grandparents”. They were more relaxed and happy, too, because they saw Sundays as the Lord’s day and took the day off from their normal working routine. They were always interesting and fun and taught us many things that grandparents have time to teach.

Sundays meant spending endless hours of fun outdoors with my brothers on our farm, playing and rough-housing with them and walking, always walking out in pastures and woods and nature. I loved reading a good book when I could get one. I loved God and having quiet time alone with Jesus, my best friend.

I loved Sundays then and I appreciate them even more now.

I do believe we need Sundays today - more than we ever have before!


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