“Something has to give!”
How many times have we heard this very thing repeated to us during our lamenting moments over a cup of coffee with a friend, a parent, a mentor? And how many times a day have we repeated this same phrase to ourselves in exasperation as if we “just can’t get it”? We know or should know that we can’t give all of ourself to anyone - not our spouse, not our children, an employer, another family member, or a friend. We owe and can only give all of our being - our heart, our mind, our strength, our spirit - to God. When we do this, we will clearly hear His words, “Be still, and I will fight your battles for you.”
If He has so blessed us with a wonderful spouse, a good job or boss, parents or a good friend, how often do we try to be all, and I mean everything, for them in our quest to please, or out of a confused sense of duty - and at our own physical, mental and spiritual expense?
While God has set us over our children to love and guide them, teach and protect them, He never mentioned anywhere that we are to treat them as if the whole world revolves around them. Not only would this be sending them a terribly wrong message that would only hurt them in the long run, but if we are doing this on any given day, we are spending our whole self, all our energy and possitive smiles, and by the end of the day, we have nothing left to give God, ourself or our spouse.
If we are a full-time caregiver for a special-needs family member or someone outside our home, it won’t take long to realize that this requires respite, help and definitely spiritual guidance to know when and what to do, in order not to eventually become the one who might need the full-time care.
In the fine art of letting go, that can take years of practice for some of us, we must listen for the voice of God, in the quite time that we take (not find) but take during the day. Wherever it may be, inside, outside, a Chapel, the lake, the forest, or even the car, we must let Him pick us up and carry us, so that we can support others! If we can’t let God carry us, we will never be able to help anyone else for the duration, because we will be trying to “carry” him or her or them, and that is not our job. In His quiet voice you will hear Him say, “Be still and let me fight your battles for you.” Then you will listen because you will want to hear more, and then you will hear Him tell you how.
“If a tiny spark of God’s love already burns within you, do not expose it to the wind, for it may get blown out… Stay quiet with God. Do not spend your time in useless chatter… Do not give yourself to others so completely that you have nothing left for yourself." - - St. Charles Borromeo