In this on-going effort to keep toxic chemical cocktails to a minimum here in the home and on the farm, I have come up with a delicious substitute for dryer sheets after trying many different homemade remedies. (Delicious as in smells delicious.) I haven’t been using commercial dryer sheets for a long time now, and maybe that’s why I appreciate this homemade substitute, which in my opinion actually works better.
I won’t weary you with the the reasons why homemade substitutes are better, because if you are trying to keep toxic things out of your house as much as possible, then you don’t need me preaching to you about the hazards of all the chemicals in household cleaners, make-up and skin care items, deodorants and toothpastes, pesticides and herbicides used outdoors, just to mention a few. You already know how they can poison your children and pets, mess with your hormones, adrenal glands, thyroid, and yes, even brain function – which is probably what’s wrong with me, cough, cough.
So, I’ll get on with the recipe that I have been using and quite honestly, I really like. It helps with static cling, soften clothes and even towels, it certainly makes everything smell fresher and I know it is perfectly safe to use.
Here is a list of the items you will need. Feel free to make this your own, by using whatever you prefer, because that’s exactly what I did when I found a similar recipe on-line.
1) Pieces of cloth cut into dryer size sheets.
I used my Grandmother Hazel’s old pair of pinking shears to get an edge that wouldn’t fray as quickly while it is being used over and over in a dryer. (IF you prefer, you can sew two sheets together for a thicker sheet and never have to worry about fraying edges. I plan to do that - someday!)
2) A small jar, or any size that you prefer, with a tight fitting lid.
3) White vinegar
4) Essential or fragrance oils that you prefer
Roll up or loosely fold the sheets and put them in the glass jar.
Fill ¾ up with white vinegar.
Add the essential oils by using about 50 drops to a 1-pint jar (shown).
Put the lid on tight and shake.
When you need a couple of sheets (I use 4 in a large load) just take them out, squeeze excess liquid back into the jar and the toss sheets into the dryer.
When clothes are dry, put the sheets back into the jar, lid on and shake. Refresh with vinegar and oils as needed.
You clothes will love you!