Black Friday is coming up. Funny how that gets more attention than the Thanksgiving holiday. Black Friday now begins days, even weeks before Black Friday, traditionally the day after Thanksgiving.
Some years ago, actually in 1992, a movement began in Canada to protest over-consumption and trashing our planet by filling our landfills (with things we buy, with money we don’t have (credit cards) to impress people we don’t like, or even ourselves). It was called Buy Nothing Day.
It eventually grew to oppose the commercialization of Black Friday. Black Friday slithered in like a sneaky snake, stealing our focus, time and attention away from our traditional Thanksgiving holiday and quality family time.
Buy Nothing Day is more than just a movement now. Word is getting around. Even before I had heard of it, we already had the mindset that we didn’t want to join the stampede of shoppers rushing through the Walmart doors, or sleeping in the street or on the sidewalk waiting for the doors to open at the best buy shops and malls. But even more than that, we just don’t like to get all caught up in a society that messes with our traditional Thanksgiving family celebration just to get a jump start on
Christmas shopping – another holiday (or Holyday)
gone commercial.
So again this year, we are going to stay home, save some money, celebrate Buy Nothing Day and eat Thanksgiving leftovers.
Won’t you join us?