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This month began with beautiful fall-like weather, cool nights and what seemed like sweet fresh air and Colorado blue skies (in Arkansas) after an unusually wet and mild summer. We were all spoiled thinking FAll was arriving early. I noticed the farm animals behavior as they felt the rush of adrenalin. We are in a surplus of moisture in this area for the year and now, three days after FALL has officially begun, we are beginning to experience an extra long hot and dry spell. It’s amazing how fast things can dry up and become dusty and in fire-danger mode. Temps are way too high (for me) as they hang around the mid to upper nineties in the day and seventies at night. But there is hope as next week will begin the cool down and more fall-like weather is predicted. This along with a slight chance for some much needed rain..

In the meantime, there has been plenty of activity here on the farm as we continue with the downsizing and simplifying of our lifestyle and farm operation. We have had an unusual amount of burn piles to burn this year with so many downed tree limbs and brush. We are still cleaning up from past mid-summer storms. Also, this past week we have been able to sell some fencing and open up more pasture for a hayfield in hopes of keeping the property cleaned off with the lack of cows to graze it. And, we are already in the process of preparing for winter feed and hay storage.

In the meantime, we’ve had a lot of fun with grandchildren visiting, hummingbirds still hanging around and feeding for their FALL departure, and summer flowers waiting on the arrival of FALL!

Herewith is a glimpse of our September in pictures.

Grandson feeding leaves to the goats. A favorite past time with him,

so there might not be any need to rake leaves this fall - yeah!

A busy boy!

Our beautiful cow Laura who is unable to produce calves anymore. So sad!

One of the farm fresh eggers in a beautiful pose.

A quiet view.

One proud PaPa and his grandgirl headed for the tree swing.

"LOVE does not consist of gazing at each other, but in looking together in the same direction."

Our daughter's photographic talents at work!

Morning chores. ... not our best side :-)

Notice the hanging humming bird feeder.

A very patient photographer gets her picture. (No it wasn't me.)


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