MAY IS THE MONTH that is normally set aside to honor the greatest of all callings - MOTHERHOOD.
It is the month to salute those who have embraced the V O C A T I O N of motherhood and the C A R E E R of homemaking. I will take time this month in my blogposts to honor and bless all mothers everywhere, especially my own, and those who are new to motherhood with words of love, encouragement, and peace.
Upon our earth, no title is more revered and no sound more beautiful or sweeter heard than the tender loving word - mother.
I believe that God made mothers more special than anyone else.
He made them the bearers of life and in so doing, knew they had to be
more exceptional than all others. He made them the cornerstone of the home, the foundation of the family, the backbone of society, the ideal of all that is best with the human race. They are the guardians of decency, the preservers of peace, the upholders of truth, the protectors of morality, the symbol of virtue, an inspiration to all that is noble and good in life, and love knows no greater representative than that of a mother’s love.
~ Unknown author
The career of motherhood and homemaking is beyond value and needs no justification.
It's importance is incalculable." - Katherine Short
"The homemaker has the ultimate career. All other careers exist for one purpose only -
and that is to support the ultimate career."
-C.S. Lewis