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Everywhere I look, spring is in the air and nature is embracing it. So I felt the need to embrace it too, with a grateful heart and with a handy dandy little camera. This is a picture of the first blooming rose of the season here in the garden. This is Rosa' Zephirine Drouhin, a rose we planted some 20 years ago and moved several times around the gardens. It never fails us!

This is a cutting I took from my favorite old bourbon rose called Rosa 'Madame Isaac Péreire' and I see that it survived the winter. I am very excited about that, because I have tried a number of times to get one to grow from the original bush.

Here our lovely little herd of dairy does (with their guardian dog Biscuit) are enjoying some new green grass. Enough of that old winter hay!

Our two pregnant Guernsey cows are enjoying the fresh green grass as well, and some wild Canadian geese are enjoying the pond.

Mister Blue Bird.

Peaches and LauraRose standing under the blooming crab apple tree. A sure sign of spring!

Another sure sign of spring ~ hens willing to get back into the egg laying business! Nothing like farm fresh eggs for breakfast!

The Lenten Roses (Helleborus) still blooming since February in the St. Francis garden.

A Bleeding Heart plant - from my Mother years ago - and one of the first to plants to bloom in the spring.

Woody the Woodpecker not wasting winter's suet cake before it melts in the spring air!

Happy hens/rooster chasing spring bugs!

Finally, a chance to fill all those flower pots with seeds and/or flowers from the depot! Spring is here at last!



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