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Growing up we always had a clothes line and my mother used it all the time, especially when the electric dryer was on the blink, or when there was no dryer at all. When I was newly married, many years ago, we had one, too - just in case. I loved using it though, because the sheets and clothes smelled so fresh and clean. The jeans always went into the dryer however, if we had one, because the new husband didn’t like them “standing up on their own”.

We’ve been without one for many years, but recently that same husband put up another clothes line for me, this time in between two trees in the yard. It doesn't bother me what people might think when they drive up. I love the option of hanging out whatever blankets, sheets and blouses, etc. need kissed by the sunshine!

So, I was quite proud of it when one day shortly after, our young grandson was over, and while climbing on the yard fence happened to be just about eye level with the new clothes line - which had only clothes pins hanging on it.

“So, MomMom (Grandma) why do ya’ll have a ZIP LINE?” He was so serious I had to catch my breath and hold in a monster of a laugh. Trying to explain a clothes line to a 5 year old didn’t go over so well. There is definitely a generation gap here.

I can’t wait until we can get some laundry done together and walk down that ancient ritual of a path to the clothes line one of these days. It will prove to be a fun day because everything new to him is fun even if it sounds silly, as I’m sure this will!


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