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This family website and farm BLOG has been going on for about 5 years now, when suddenly the BLOG became frozen and I was unable to sign into it to add new posts. In order to keep up the free domain site and BLOG, I was told by WIX that it would have to be "rebuilt" in order to be accessible through modern HTML. So I gave my permission to rebuild it. The website is now accessible but the old BLOG still cannot be edited for some reason. So I am starting a new Blog on the same website. I hope at some point, we can retrieve the 5 years of BLOG posts and when and if I do, there will be an archive of them here on this BLOG.

In the meantime, it gave me pause to stop and reconsider the reasons why I BLOG and the pros and cons as to whether to continue. The reasons for BLOGGING were becoming a distraction" and thinking I had something to say that needed to be heard didn't sound all that interesting to me anymore. And, just when I finally figured out exactly what I was going to do (continue the website updates, but drop the BLOG) God had a good laugh and changed my mind one morning during prayer and meditation. That's when I remembered my original reasons for BLOGGING years ago, I became refreshed in those areas again:

1: A form of praise to express the gratitude for the beauty all around us here on our farm, as well as writing about some of the struggles and day to day homestead happenings.

2: An easy reference and way to look back and remember our family story here.

3: For our future generation, our grandchildren, so they can look back and know where they came from and their part in the family history here on our homestead.

4: To share and keep in touch with others who are "far from home".

So, the BLOG continues and LIFE ON THE FARM will continue to be recorded on these pages. You are welcome to visit anytime!


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